Selling Expert Opinion Reports

A professional reports business uses complex templates, captures answers / photos from multiple sources then evaluates to provide an expert opinion.

SaaSplications is a extremely flexible system – each business will use it differently and it will enhance their competitive advantage – we ask “how would you like it to work” and configure to fit your business processes.  We will not tell you how you should run your business.

An example customer uses our system as their House Inspection ERP software.  They are a franchise organisation with all members of the franchise using the same system so shared items include report definitions, email templates, National customer details, projects that cross franchisee boundaries and much more.  Franchisees can add specific report components (eg VIC may have specific requirements in an area) easily, set and manage their own pricing and run their own business – using a system that understands how they work.  Many of their inspectors are external contractors that use mobile applications that run connected or disconnected to complete detailed reports on sites and require RCTI invoices created for them.  The system also includes a customer portal imbedded in their WordPress website which connects using our SDK to the system in real time for customers to review and pay invoices, make bookings, change inspection dates, download completed reports that have been paid for and anything they decide to allow their customers to do.

So if your business is converting expert opinions into reports for sale and you are tired of trying to tie different systems together including your financial system – contact us for a discussion of what is possible.

Selling Professional Opinions is a very scalable business – with the right system

> Templates that can share components – reduces report design time
> Reports that can be filled in on a mobile device – connected or disconnected
> Printing of report templates to be filled in using pen and paper – for sites that do not allow electronics or are remote or private
> Calculating varying pricing for one or across multiple reports
> Managing large customer projects
> Scheduling experts to complete reports
> Payment to external experts (RCTI)
> Managing a Franchise Network of experts who own areas / customer groups
> Tracking equipment supplied to experts and related servicing / support
> Calculating report price based on selections after adding fees and discounts
> Invoicing, capturing Credit Card Payments

Please review an example from our online help here

Make an Enquiry

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